Our Equality & Diversity Policy

Introduction and Background

Arrow is committed to promoting equal opportunities and values diversity, fairness and justice resulting in inequality for everyone throughout the organisation enabling them to work free from discrimination, victimisation and harassment. We will combat discrimination and will use the Company’s position of influence, wherever possible, to help overcome discriminatory barriers and actively promote good relations, conditions and procedures that result in a discrimination-free environment.

This Policy will apply to:

  • Recruitment and selection of all staff
  • Staff training and development
  • Career development
  • Human Resource activities including disciplinary and dismissal processes
  • The provision of our goods and services.

Arrow County Supplies Limited aims to create a culture that respects and values each other’s differences and to secure genuine equality of opportunity in all aspects of its commercial activities. This Policy describes how the organisation intends to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 with the aim of eliminating discrimination.

The Policy applies to job applicants, employees, casual/temporary workers, suppliers and customers of the organisation. This policy will set out how we aim to achieve this, the responsibilities of staff, suppliers and customers.

This Policy extends to all aspects of the business. It is firmly driven and overseen by the Managing Director and delivered and communicated by a designated Director. A formal review of this Policy will be carried out as an integral part of the annual Management Review and compliance by all personnel is mandatory. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.

Communicating the Policy

All employees, suppliers and customers will be made aware of the organisation's commitment to diversity and equality of opportunity through our website. The Company Newsletter will incorporate information on the measures taken by the company and its commitment to share these values with the supply chain.

All staff and suppliers will be informed of revisions to the policy and ongoing training will be delivered by a specialist provider, as and when required, to increase understanding of equal opportunity and diversity issues.

Arrow County Supplies Limited will promote good practice in the cleaning supplies sector and with stakeholders, and amongst other partner organisations through publicity, training, individual support and by setting a good example. The principles of equality and diversity will be embedded into partnership working thorough revision and updating of the Arrow County Supplies Limited supply chain appraisal questionnaire.

Publicity and Documentation

Information on key cleaning products will be made available in a variety of formats on request, which may include electronic communication, the use of interpreters, written signs in the appropriate language, the use of pictures or diagrams or audiotapes if required to ensure the correct and safe use of our products.

Contracts and Service Delivery

We will strive to provide quality cleaning products to all customers without discrimination. Similarly, our policies and procedures do not discriminate against groups or individuals. Training will be provided to staff and suppliers involved in the delivery of cleaning products to provide an appropriate and informed response to all service customers without discrimination.


  • A nominated Lead Director (Managing Director) will have responsibility for ongoing review of the Policy and action plan and will make recommendations to the board on Company and supply chain compliance with the legislation following the supplier appraisal process.
  • All employees, suppliers and customers of the organisation's cleaning products are expected to accept their personal responsibility for the practical application of the Policy and must ensure that they do not discriminate in any way against employees, suppliers or members of the public with whom their work may bring them into contact.
  • All complaints and grievances will be investigated and acted upon in accordance with Company policies.


The Lead Director will ensure that the application forms and guidance for prospective employees contains a statement confirming our commitment to equality of opportunity. The company will use local Job Centres, local newspapers and/or Employment Agencies. The company website and will contain information that communicates our commitment as an equal opportunities employer.

Definition of Terms used in the Policy

  • Discrimination occurs when a condition or requirement is applied which cannot be justified
  • Direct discrimination is treating one person less favourably than another in the same or similar circumstances or segregating them from others solely because, for example, they have a disability or illness. Direct discrimination may also include failure to make reasonable adjustments, discrimination by association and discrimination by perception
  • Indirect discrimination occurs where there is a requirement or condition which applies equally to everyone but which, in practice, has an adverse impact on a particular group and cannot be justified. For example, an unnecessary physical or age requirement can discriminate against women or disabled people
  • Discrimination arising from a disability
  • Abuse and/or harassment – The Equality Act 2010 provides protection from abuse and/or harassment based on one of the protected characteristics
  • Victimisation occurs when a person is treated less favourably or is discriminated against because she/he has pursued or intends to pursue their rights in respect of alleged discrimination or is supporting another who is taking such action.