Providing healthcare in various settings, including medium and high-security units, community centres, and acute wards, ensuring chemical safety is crucial for Nottinghamshire NHS Trust. As a longstanding supply partner, Arrow was their obvious choice to help rationalise chemicals across all sites.

“For us, choosing Arrow for our chemical rollout was a no-brainer. There are lots of companies we could buy our products from, but you wouldn’t be able to get Arrow’s level of involvement and support anywhere else"

The Challenge

The high level of risk required Arrow’s close involvement from the outset. We worked closely with site managers and cleaning teams to identify the most suitable chemicals for each environment. Given the wide range of applications and varying risk levels, sourcing the right chemicals was complex. However, with Arrow’s expertise, the Trust developed a range of chemicals tailored to each location’s specific needs.

“The Arrow team are always so willing to listen…they’ve come up with ideas for us, helped us implement them and took the time to make sure everything met all our requirements straight off. We couldn’t have done this without their support"

Streamlined training and implemention

To ensure smooth implementation, Arrow provided bespoke Chemical Awareness Training and custom chemical wall charts to each site. Delivered via our online training portal, this simplified staff training, whilst ensuring cleaning staff were trained to the highest standards.

“The fact they provided virtual training was brilliant - all I had to do was send it over to team leaders and supervisors and wait for it to be completed."

With Arrow’s support, the Trust executed their smoothest chemical rollout ever, improving cleaning performance and driving long-term efficiencies across all sites. Working with Arrow, the Trust not only enhanced chemical safety across all sites, but also established a more efficient and effective cleaning process – ensuring a safer environment for both patients and staff.

“From the project start, the Arrow team have just been amazing. I know if I need anything I can just call them and I’ll have my answer in minutes. Other than do my job for me, they couldn’t have done better!”